Our History
PAD-CO was formed in 2002 for the discussion of the unique problems, concerns, joys and successes of parents, guardians or anyone in a parental role of adults and older children with disabilities, and for finding goals and directions which we can voice to others to further the progress of our children with disabilities.
For several years, PAD-CO was just that - a discussion group. We had a couple of "get-togethers" and even decided to write a book, which a number of us did, and several articles from the "book" are available on this web site. However, we never succeeded in getting it published, and a couple of the chapters have been withdrawn at the request of the author.
In 2006, the Colorado Division of Developmental Disability Services, in response to a highly critical Medicaid audit, implemented a new individual evaluation program of each person served in the DDD system, in an attempt to set rates based upon the scores received. Their initial plan was to exclude parental input from this evaluative process. At that time PAD-CO became highly active in urging the Division to require parental invitation to the evaluation, and has monitored the process since that time. Most recently, PAD-CO wrote a letter again urging parental input into revisions that have been made in the process involving a retroactive change of individual scores.
Recently, PAD-CO decided to do a rather comprehensive survey of parents of children with disabilities. This resulted in 239 responses to 59 questions, many of them open-ended. The raw results are posted on this web page, and a final report is finally being written, and will be posted here, also.
Additionally, the "wait list" issue has been an increasingly a matter of discussion, so a sister "ENDCODDWAITLIST" listserv has been started to urge legislative solutions to end the wait list.
PAD-CO provided written and oral testimony to the Legislative Interim Committee on the DD Wait List. That testimony is available on the "Documents" page. of this listserv
PAD-CO wasvery active in the "YES-ON-51" Campaign, which unfortunately failed to pass in the 11/2008 election.
Parents and guardians are invited to join PAD-CO. There is strength in numbers, and many vital issues are discussed here.
It all started when…
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