
Following are miscellaneous resources we’ve deemed important but don’t necessarily fit into one of the other categories.

Emergency Preparedness

This link will take you to a website done by Ready.gov about preparing for an emergency. Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to promote preparedness through public involvement. This page is specifically written for people with disabilities of families with loved ones who have disabilities. https://www.ready.gov/disability


Many people with disabilities cannot access meals that are healthy and nutritious. There are resources available and we will continue to add the as we learn about them.

HOME Delivered Meals

Home Delivered Meals includes nutritional counseling, planning, preparation, and delivery of meals. You must have a demonstrated need documented in your service plan for: nutritional counseling, meal planning, meal preparation, dietary restrictions or specific nutritional needs, inability to prepare your own meals, limited assistance and/or, inability to access and prepare nutritious meals.

To be eligible for Home Delivered Meals you must be:

1.      Transitioning from an institutional setting to a home and community-based setting,

2.      Transitioning from a more restrictive community setting to a less restrictive community setting, or

3.      Experiencing a change in life circumstance.

Home Delivered Meals may be used for up to 365 days following the first day the service is provided.


Project Angel Heart

Project Angel Heart prepares and delivers meals for people living with life-threatening illnesses. Our meals are made from scratch and tailored to meet each person’s unique nutritional and medical needs. Better nutrition means improved health and lower medical costs for people living with cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, HIV/AIDS, kidney disease, and other illnesses. We offer six specialty diets, as well as additional modifications for people with specific food texture needs, religious preferences, dietary intolerances, and other unique needs.

We deliver within a 640-square mile region of metropolitan Denver (within the E-470/C-470 loop border and west into Golden) and a 164-square mile region in Colorado Springs. We also ship meals to rural Coloradans eligible to receive meals under a contract with a Meals for Care Transitions health care partner,

Clients can receive meals for as long as needed and may go on and off our service as their caregiver and medical needs change. Clients must be medically certified every year to remain eligible for our meals. See this website for more information: https://www.projectangelheart.org/our-meals/get-meals/