Medicaid Waivers and PASAs

Medicaid Waivers

Most persons with developmental disabilities are eligible for one of the Medicaid Waiver programs. For a brief introduction to them, please see this page of the State of Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) website. The most common waiver programs for adults with developmental disabilities are: 1) the Developmental Disabilities (aka DD) waiver (this used to be known as the “Comp” waiver and also as the “Residential” waiver; 2) the Supported Living Services (SLS) waiver; and 3) the Elderly, Blind and Disabled waiver.

For an even deeper explanation of these three most common Medicaid waiver programs listed above, please visit this page of the Arc of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties to see videos explaining each waiver program.

PASAs (Program Approved Service Agencies)

Most services through Medicaid waiver programs are done through what are called PASAs (Progam-Approved Service Agencies). These agencies are regulated by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE). Here is a link to their currently approved PASAs:

And, should you be interested in starting your own PASA, please see this video by the Arc of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties: They also did a PowerPoint presentation that covers much of the same material here.