Contact Us
List Serve - If you’d like to read the posts and participate in our informative List Serve that is done through io Groups, please send an email to stating you are the parent of a child with a disability and ask to join. The List Serve is monitored by Tracy Sundling should hear back from her.
Facebook - If you’d like to participate in our also informative Facebook group, please send an email to Tracy Sundling at stating you are the parent of a child with a disability and ask to join. You will be asked to “friend” Tracy. After that, log into your Facebook account and search for PAD-CO, click on join, answer the 3 questions and we will get you added. You must answer all 3 questions. FYI - The FB group is not very active, most of the support and info comes from the listserve.
Just want some general information about PAD-CO? Fill out the contact form below and one of our moderators will get back with.